Camiceria Carmen TurinCustom shirts

custom shirts

In the workshop attached to our shop you will be able to follow every phase of the making process, led exclusively by Carmen and Roberta within the artisanal workshop.

processing tailored shirts sewing of bottonholes and monograms Shirt hand-drawn Shirt mother of pearl buttons


At a moment when the processing time
doesn't have importance because of a too fast economy and the need of big productions,
our made-to-measure shirts workshop is timeless.

We take our time to work properly, to check every article of clothing and to leave nothing to chance.
We take the time that only the handmade process needs,
in order to give the attention and the exclusivity that our client deserves.

Our made-to-measure shirts are usually delivered within 20 days.

CAMICERIA CARMEN • Via Conte Gianbattista Bogino 15, 10123 Torino • Tel. +39 011 835201 • P.IVA 11631500011 •