Our story
Historic Italian shirt factory whose name comes from the owner CARMEN,
who had her first experience in a workshop at the age of 14 and started her own business in 1975.
This experience and continuity are strengthen by the support of her daughter ROBERTA, who was able to capitalise the knowledge acquired at the School of Art, Fashion and Costume within the shirt factory Thus in Turin, in the heart of the city, CARMEN has become a benchmark and a byword for quality and refined elegance for those who want tailored shirts.
In fact Camiceria doesn't have shirts already made but only a broad choice of over 150 among of the best FABRICS on the market.
Our bespoke shirts are thought and designed according to the desire of the Client and they are personally created by Carmen and her daughter Roberta in the workshop attached to the shop.
Hand-made bespoke shirts since 1975

She was born in San Severo (Puglia) in 1948 then moved to Turin at the age of 3 with her family.
When she was 14 she went to a workshop in order to learn the secrets of shirting and after years of experience working in different workshops of the city, at the age of 26, she opened her own one in Parella discrict.
After more than 50 years of experience aquired in the bespoke shirting, she keeps working with passion and curiosity passing on her knowlodge to her daughter Roberta.
She was born in Turin in 1972. She has spent her childhood among fabric remnants and sewing machines.
She graduated from the School of Art, Fashion and Costume "Aldo Passoni" and after a first experience as graphic designer she decided to work with her mother Carmen in the workshop learning from her the secrets of the ancient bespoke shirting.